10 Proven B2B Lead Generation Strategies

10 Proven B2B Lead Generation Strategies

B2B marketers place a high premium on lead generation, with 85% considering it a top priority. However, a significant portion, 44%, rate their efforts as neutral in terms of effectiveness. While content marketing is valuable, it's not the sole solution for B2B marketers. This article explores 10 expert-approved B2B lead generation strategies, including content marketing, to help you enhance your marketing plan and ensure your efforts are highly effective.

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1. Content Marketing

Content marketing remains a cornerstone strategy for B2B lead generation. Research shows that B2B buyers engage with several pieces of content before contacting a sales representative. To succeed, focus on ongoing SEO campaigns supported by B2B content marketing. Utilize tools like SEMrush to identify keywords, content length recommendations, and niche-specific content to address user intent effectively.

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for B2B lead generation. Its lead generation ads offer precise targeting criteria, allowing you to reach C-level decision-makers and potential leads. Tailor your campaigns to specific industries and interests, utilizing A/B testing to optimize ad copy and messaging for maximum impact.

3. Google Ads

Google Ads, when well-timed, can be a valuable asset. Consider creating ads based on user reviews and forum discussions to target audiences impacted by competitors' outages. Focus on highlighting the benefits of your services, and continually refine ad copy to improve click-through rates, impressions, and quality scores.

4. Facebook Lead Ad Campaigns

Facebook isn't just for consumer-focused marketing. B2B marketers can leverage Facebook lead ads effectively. Start by split-testing custom audiences to create lookalike audiences, and fine-tune lead magnet offers based on prospect preferences. Experiment with different angles in ad content and messaging to discover what resonates most with your audience.

5. Live Chat

Live chat can be a game-changer for B2B lead generation. By delivering exceptional customer service through live chat, you can convert a substantial percentage of site visitors into leads. Integrate live chat into your operations using tools like Slack for efficient communication and lead conversion.

6. Live Video

Live video has emerged as a compelling lead generation tool, with data showing that a significant portion of businesses use video for marketing. Host webinars, product launches, Q&As, and other engaging events on platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. Multistreaming allows you to reach a broader audience and gain valuable insights for improvement.

7. Facebook ThruPlay

For budget-conscious brands, Facebook's ThruPlay offers an optimized pay-per-view feature for video ads. It allows advertisers to pay only for ads watched for at least 15 seconds, ensuring that their message reaches the right audience. Segment viewers into relevant lists for precise retargeting.

8. Gated Videos

Gating videos by adding email collection functionality with incentives can significantly boost lead generation. Placing an email gate at the beginning of a video, coupled with a compelling incentive, can increase email sign-ups dramatically. This strategy has proven successful without a significant loss in content views.

9. Personalized Videos

Personalized videos have shown promise in B2B lead generation. Sending short, personalized videos via email, text, or social media can increase conversions. Authenticity and understanding prospects' needs are key to success in this approach.

10. Free Offerings

Offering something valuable for free remains a potent lead generation tactic. Providing a free SEO audit, for example, can attract prospects and lead to paid work requests. Ensure that the free offering holds genuine value to engage potential leads effectively.

By incorporating these expert-approved strategies into your B2B lead generation efforts, you can enhance your marketing plan and achieve more effective results.

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